воскресенье, 8 июня 2014 г.

08.06.2014 -- Обстрел Славянска в воскресенье на праздник Святой Троицы

Славянск Сейчас Погиб ребёнок на руках!

Slavyansk 08.06.2014 after artillery bombing
Confirmed that 2 children were killed from bobmings in Slavyansk: a boy and a girl of age 12 and 6.

What people are saying in this video:

-- We are sitting and watching how our home is burning...
-- The first shell got to the entrance hall when people started running out of the house. And to the left side, that was later... Three times more...
And they say that they do not fire towards civilians.

-- When grown up people are killed -- this is one story... But when I get who women and two crying children from burning house -- that is another story...
-- And when people carry injured child on their hands and that child dies when they reach just the end of the street, not even having time to get to the hospital, that is another story...


Украинская армия обстреливает Славянск "Градами"

08.06.2014 there was a Whitsuntide day (religious date).
And that day Slavyansk town center was fired by Kiev forces using "Grad" artillery systems.
In this video you can see results of that bombing.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZQpg4Su3Lg (in Russian)

0:40 -- One man near destroyed block talks about woman who was tear to pieces.
1:00 -- Another man talks about his 90 years old mother-in-law who was killed in her bed by direct shell hit (her body is covered with a bedsheet on the floor - 1:26).
3:15 -- In the hospital there is no water, few medical personnel left. Doctor calls that day "bloody Whitsuntide day".

That's "Grad" artillery system: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BM-21_Grad

Slavyansk under fire, without water and power as Kiev troops resume shelling

Video from slavyansk, 08.06.2014 - the date of Poroshenko inauguration.

http://rt.com/news/164564-slavyansk-shelling-water-hospitals/ -- see video in the article.

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