понедельник, 2 июня 2014 г.

02.06.2014 -- Lugansk, strike-fighter jet attack on administration building and park nearby

Today, 02-June-2014

At least five people are reported killed after an explosion in Lugansk administration building. The blast came as Kiev deployed fighter jets to the city in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine’s air force struck Lugansk downtown at 16.00 pm. Military aircraft made a targeted strike, deploying cluster bombs. The administration building is partially destroyed.
Those killed - three women and two men - are all civilians, witnesses told.
Kiev, however, denied attacking the HQ, insisting that its forces are not firing on residential areas in the cities, and do not use air power in those areas, reports the Ukrainian news agency UNN.

There are several videos in this article:
*) the blast filmed from street security camera – (1 video)
*) damaged building, street and cars, killed people – (1 video)
*) jet fighter attacking the city (2 videos)
And here is one more video with victims on the attack:


Self-defence militants say that Kiev forces use USA made bombs and French made armored vehicles. These bombs explode more then 10 cm over the ground surface and damage much more comparing to Ukrainian made bombs.
Also they use silent sniper riffles, also against civilians.

http://rusvesna.su/news/1401711318 -- (in Russian)

And here you can find more videos to see how did look the street, park and people like right after jet fighter attack.

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